In England and Wales, once the police have charged a person with a criminal offence, the crown Prosecution Service assumes control of the case reviews the evidence to decide whether to prosecute. 刑事诉讼程序在英格兰和威尔士,一旦警察指控某人犯有刑事罪,皇家检察总署就要接管此案,并独立地审核证据以决定是否起诉。
Pacific Park Brooklyn, for example, is on the border of wealthy brownstone Brooklyn neighborhoods, yet relied on high unemployment figures from areas of Crown Heights and Bedford-Stuyvesant to make its case. 举例来说,布鲁克林太平园花园位于富裕的布鲁克林上流社会住宅区边界,但它之所以能够被允许得到该方案的投资,主要是由于附近王冠高地和贝德福德-史岱文森的大量失业人口。
The crown court directed the justices to rehear the case. 刑事法院命令治安官重新审理该案。
The instruction of the crown prince, though it has lost its reality sense with the dynasty dying out, has its important function of reference, if treated as a case study of domestic education. 太子教育作为一个特殊的问题,随着其主体的消亡似乎早已失去了它的现实意义,但将太子教育作为家庭教育的一个个案进行分析,在今天仍有着重要的借鉴作用。
The utility model is composed of a crown block, rolling wheels, a track, a spring, wire ropes and a case. 它由定滑轮、滚动轮、轨道、弹簧、钢丝绳、壳体构成。
When the crown is pressed to open the case the stem switch is also depressed, bringing the watch out of standby and into display mode. 当用按下表冠去打开表盖时,连在表柄上的开关也会按下,这会让表从待机模式退出工作在显示模式下。
A mealy-mouthed statement said the Crown Prosecution Service had asked for more information about the case and that the Met itself had taken more legal advice. 这份冠冕堂皇的声明显示,皇家检控署已经在调查更多的有关这件案子的情况,而大都会警方自身也采纳了许多法律建议。
The Parks Service is adding another staircase in part to make it easier for visitors who climb the statue's stairs to the crown to exit quickly in case of a fire or other emergency. 公园服务部正增添新的楼梯系统,以便于通过楼梯到达顶部的游客在火灾等紧急情况下能更快地逃生。
The text detailedly introduced crown block, running system, availability work period of bridge girder erection equipment and improve case for precast beams install. 详细介绍了对双导梁式架桥机天车、行走系统、有效工作长度及预制梁安装就位的改进情况。